Varonis announces strategic partnership with Microsoft to accelerate the secure adoption of Copilot.

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Michael Buckbee

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How Varonis Helps Agencies Avoid the Pain and Penalties of Public Record Requests

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests are one of the ways that public organizations are held accountable by the media and the members of the community they serve. FOI laws require...

Data Privacy Guide: Definitions, Explanations and Legislation

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Data privacy is all about keeping your data safe and private. In this guide you’ll learn why it’s important, and the best methods to achieve it.

How to Use John the Ripper: Tips and Tutorials

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

John the Ripper is a password-cracking tool that you should know about. Read on to learn more about this standard pentesting and hacking program.

We Know About Your Company's Data: OSINT Lessons for C-Levels

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Michael Buckbee

 I’ve been on a mission the last few months to bring basic knowledge about data security to the upper reaches of the organization. Our C-level readers and other executives, who...

What is Azure Active Directory? A Complete Overview

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Azure Active Directory is a new way to manage users in the cloud. Read on to learn some details and some how-tos as you migrate to Azure AD.

Varonis eBook: WMI Events and Insider Surveillance

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

If you’ve been reading our blog, you know that Windows software can be weaponized to allow hackers to live-off-the-land and stealthily steal sensitive data. Insiders are also aware of the...

The No Hassle Guide to Event Query Language (EQL) for Threat Hunting

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Did you ever have the urge to put together a few PowerShell scripts to parse and analyze the Sysmon event log in order to create your own threat analysis software?...

What is a Man-in-the-Middle Attack: Detection and Prevention Tips

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Man-in-the-middle attacks are sophisticated spying techniques attackers use to snoop on network traffic. Read on to learn more about these MitM attacks.

Active Directory Resource Center

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Active Directory is the basis of many enterprise networks. Learn some of the basics about AD in this guide.

DNS Security Guide

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

DNS security should be considered an essential part of any business's security plan. Our goal in this piece is to help provide information to best inform you of all options around securing your DNS.

Active Directory Account Lockout: Tools and Diagnosis Guide

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

AD Account Lockouts are perhaps the biggest source of frustration for IT admins. In this guide, we’ll explain how they happen, and how to prevent them.

Malware Protection: Basics and Best Practices

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Our malware protection guide covers malicious software, utilizing the outlined controls and best practices to achieve a higher level of security.

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