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Data Security

Threat Update 49 – SeriousSAM & Black Hat 2021

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Cybersecurity folks find themselves in a “Zero-Daze” as they get hit with another new 0-day attack, called SeriousSAM, that allows attackers to get access to the Windows Security Account Manager (SAM) file containing hashed account passwords from a system.

Last Week in Ransomware: Week of July 26th

Michael Raymond

Michael Raymond

This week REvil Ransomware had a universal decryption key appear out of thin air and the US has accused China of ProxyLogon.

Threat Update 48 - Using Google to Spot Exposed Data in the Cloud

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Cloud data stores like Box and Google Workspace make sharing and collaborating easy and convenient. However, there can be hidden risks.

What is a Brute Force Attack?

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

A brute force attack (also known as brute force cracking) is the cyberattack equivalent of trying every key on your key ring, and eventually finding the right one. The most basic brute force attack is a dictionary attack, where the attacker works through a dictionary of possible passwords and tries them all.

Threat Update 47 – Ransomware Early Warning: Data Exfiltration

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Thought ransomware couldn’t get any worse? Ransomware gangs are now stealing victim’s data before unleashing ransomware – forcing victims to pay up or deal with the fallout when attackers post…

Last Week in Ransomware: Week of July 19th

Michael Raymond

Michael Raymond

This past week hasn't seen quite as much activity as others, likely due to the new ransomware task force created in the US and the mysterious disappearance of REvil and other gangs.

Data Migration Guide: Strategy Success & Best Practices

Michael Buckbee

Michael Buckbee

Wondering what you need to know about data migration? Our guide to success will provide you with all the information you're looking for! 

Everything You Need to Know About Cyber Liability Insurance

Josue Ledesma

Josue Ledesma

Cyber insurance is a necessary component of any IT or cybersecurity department responsible for protecting the assets, data, reputation, and bottom line of a company in the face of cybersecurity…

Last Week in Ransomware: Week of July 5th

Michael Raymond

Michael Raymond

Ransomware in the News Before we get to the major ransomware attack that occurred over the holiday weekend, let’s take a look at some of the other stories from the...

Data Security: Definition, Explanation and Guide

David Harrington

David Harrington

Data Security is a process of protecting files, databases, and accounts on a network by adopting a set of controls, applications, and techniques that identify the relative importance of different...

Threat Update 45 – Ransomware Early Warning: AD Attacks

Kilian Englert

Kilian Englert

Attackers leverage a number of techniques, but two of the most common are password spray attacks and kerberoasting. Join Kilian and Kyle Roth from the Varonis Incident Response team as they discuss how and why attackers leverage each technique and look at a real-life example of each type of attack from one of our attack lab scenarios.

Your Guide to Salesforce Data Protection

Renganathan Padmanabhan

Renganathan Padmanabhan

That is the approximate cost of a data breach on any business worldwide in 2020. The number increases to 8.64 million dollars in expenses in the United States alone. Let…

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