Rachel Hunt
Rachel Hunt is the Director of Media Relations at Varonis. When Rachel is not handling all things PR, she's exploring local hiking trails with her dog.
Varonis Products
Oct 11, 2023
Varonis Launches Data Center in Canada for Cloud-Native Security
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! And Varonis stands on guard for our Canadian customers' data. We're excited to announce the opening of our newest data center in Toronto to support new customers and existing customers moving to Varonis' SaaS offering. The new data center is the third to open in recent months and will help Varonis meet data residency requirements and demonstrate compliance with national and provincial data privacy laws.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Varonis Products
Aug 29, 2023
Varonis Opens UK Data Centre to Support SaaS Customers
Keep calm and your data strong! We’re thrilled to share the news that Varonis opened a new data centre in the U.K. to support our SaaS customers.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Varonis Products
Apr 11, 2023
Varonis Opens Australia Data Centre to Support SaaS Customers
We’re excited to share that we’ve opened a new data center down under to support our Varonis SaaS customers.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Cloud Security
Oct 04, 2022
SaaS Risk Report Reveals Exposed Cloud Data is a $28M Risk for Typical Company
Some people love taking risks — swimming with great white sharks, climbing El Capitan without a rope, camping in grizzly bear territory with an open jar of peanut butter, and scariest of all, assuming your SaaS data is secure and protected in the cloud.
Rachel Hunt
2 min read
Data Security
Sep 14, 2021
The 2021 Manufacturing Data Risk Report Reveals 1 in 5 Files is Open to All Employees
Threats against the manufacturing sector continue — from big game ransomware groups that steal victim’s data before encrypting it, to nation-state attackers seeking technology secrets, to company insiders looking for information to grab and sell to the highest bidder. Recent news headlines show how crippling ransomware attacks can halt assembly lines and disrupt supply chains.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Data Security
Oct 23, 2020
Watch: Varonis ReConnect!
Office 365 and Teams make sharing information and collaborating with distant colleagues a breeze. But if you’re not careful, you’ll open yourself up to considerable risk. That’s because securing your data on a need-to-know basis is easier said than done. You’ve got to check off a long list of questions, like who can (and who does) access your data, what they’re sharing, and how they’re sharing it. Miss these details and your sensitive data could end up…well, anywhere.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Data Security
Apr 15, 2020
Hackers Take Aim at Home WiFi Networks
Millions of people are working remotely – and attackers are taking advantage. As more workers log into residential WiFi networks, cybercriminals have plenty of opportunities to launch attacks.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Data Security
Mar 29, 2020
Do Executives and Cybersecurity Pros Agree on Today’s Biggest Cyber Threats?
Breaches cost companies billions, erode trust and can have a long-lasting negative impact on a company’s brand. With so much as stake, we wondered: are C-Suite executives aligned with their security and IT pros when it comes to cybersecurity?
Rachel Hunt
2 min read
Data Security
Mar 29, 2020
5 Cybersecurity Concerns of Industry Insiders
We asked professionals attending two of the world’s biggest cybersecurity conferences – RSA in San Francisco and Infosecurity in London – five questions to gauge their opinions and attitudes about current issues and concerns on everything from GDPR and the Facebook data scandal to cloud security. Read on to discover what we found after surveying folks who live and breathe security every day.
Rachel Hunt
3 min read
Data Security
Mar 29, 2020
58% of organizations have more than 100,000 folders open to all employees
Like a wardrobe malfunction during a live broadcast, no one wants to be overexposed – especially when it comes to your data.
Rachel Hunt
1 min read
Data Security
May 17, 2017
Adylkuzz: How WannaCry Ransomware Attack Alerted The World To Even Worse Threats
Your garden variety ransomware, like Cerber, is the canary in the coal mine that rudely, but thankfully announces bigger security issues: insider threats and cyberattacks that take advantage of too much employee access to files. As disruptive as WannaCry has been to vulnerable organizations, this is their canary in the coal mine moment that should alert them to more deadly attacks that don’t announce their presence, like the cryptocurrency miner Adylkuzz.
Rachel Hunt
2 min read
Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?
Ready to see the #1 Data Security Platform in action?
“I was amazed by how quickly Varonis was able to classify data and uncover potential data exposures during the free assessment. It was truly eye-opening.”
Michael Smith, CISO, HKS
"What I like about Varonis is that they come from a data-centric place. Other products protect the infrastructure, but they do nothing to protect your most precious commodity — your data."
Deborah Haworth, Director of Information Security, Penguin Random House
“Varonis’ support is unprecedented, and their team continues to evolve and improve their products to align with the rapid pace of industry evolution.”
Al Faella, CTO, Prospect Capital