Robert Grimmick

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What is C2? Command and Control Infrastructure Explained

Robert Grimmick

Robert Grimmick

A successful cyberattack is about more than just getting your foot into the door of an unsuspecting organization. To be of any real benefit, the attacker needs to maintain persistence…

Endpoint Detection and Response: All You Need to Know About EDR Security

Robert Grimmick

Robert Grimmick

This guide covers Endpoint Detection and Response, a type of solution to detect and respond to suspicious activity on desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

IPv6 Security Guide: Do you Have a Blindspot?

Robert Grimmick

Robert Grimmick

Consider this your ultimate IPv6 security guide, complete with comparisons to IPv4, misconceptions managed, and best practices.

What Is Network Segmentation?

Robert Grimmick

Robert Grimmick

Network segmentation is the act of dividing a computer network into smaller physical or logical components in order to increase security and protect data.

Phishing Attacks: Types, Prevention, and Examples

Robert Grimmick

Robert Grimmick

Phishing attacks use fraud to trick users into revealing information or opening malware. They are a popular attack technique among many types of threat actors.

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