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Threat Update 22 – SolarWinds and DNS

The fallout from the SolarWinds incident continues to be a top-of-mind concern for many organizations, even for those not running the Orion platform due to the advanced nature of the…
Michael Buckbee
1 minute gelesen
Letzte aktualisierung 28. Oktober 2021

The fallout from the SolarWinds incident continues to be a top-of-mind concern for many organizations, even for those not running the Orion platform due to the advanced nature of the attack, and the way the attackers were able to hide their communication in DNS traffic.

Click to watch Kilian Englert and Ryan O’Boyle from the Varonis Incident Response team discuss some of the recent SUNBURST investigations Ryan has seen firsthand, as well as why DNS is the vector du jour for attackers trying to establish covert communication or exfiltration channels.

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Below are three ways we can help you begin your journey to reducing data risk at your company:

  1. Schedule a demo session with us, where we can show you around, answer your questions, and help you see if Varonis is right for you.
  2. Download our free report and learn the risks associated with SaaS data exposure.
  3. Share this blog post with someone you know who'd enjoy reading it. Share it with them via email, LinkedIn, Reddit, or Facebook.
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